365体育足彩的社区里,365体育足彩努力把自我照顾和关心他人放在首位. 365体育足彩的教职员工承担关怀导师的角色,支持学生的身体健康, social, and emotional well being. 为了确保365体育足彩的学生学习,365体育足彩必须首先确保他们是健康的.

研究一致表明,快乐和融入社区的孩子学习更有效, 所以365体育足彩介绍了早期社会情感学习的基础. Across both lower divisions, 老师们会组织公开会议,让学生匿名地与全班同学分享他们的焦虑,然后让他们的同学做出回应, empathizing and offering solutions. 许多老师还实行“谦卑的大拇指”政策:不举手, 学生们通过在课桌上竖起大拇指来表示他们对某门学科的理解——这种谨慎的手势可以让老师在不引起竞争或尴尬的情况下评估学生的整体理解程度.

Along with our commitment to social-emotional wellness, 365体育足彩采用差异化教学和各种学习方法. 菲尔德斯顿低年级学生被分配的第一个任务是“家庭作业”——制定每周的时间表来跟踪繁忙的日子, to identify difficult subject areas, and to reflect on preferred work settings, whether alone or with others, at home, or somewhere else. In a visit to our lower divisions, 你可能会发现学生们戴着降噪耳机专注于工作,或者和一小群同学坐在走廊上合作完成一个项目. All of this is intentional and encouraged.

菲尔德斯顿户外是一个为期六周的夏令营,让低年级学生与大自然接触. 一天的行程可能包括徒步穿越帕利塞德山脉或乘独木舟沿着皮尔蒙特沼泽而下.

Even as our students progress into Fieldston Upper, 365体育足彩一直专注于确保他们照顾好自己. 全国各地的说法是,标准化考试和大学录取的压力给高中生带来了前所未有的压力, and particularly for 11th and 12th Graders. At ECFS, 365体育足彩的学院办公室试图通过使申请过程以学生为中心和以适合为导向来减轻这种压力. 365体育足彩的辅导员考虑的第一个问题不是一所学校有多挑剔, but whether the geography, size, program, and environment match what the student desires. 几乎所有与大学有关的会议都是面对面和一对一的,这样学生们就可以放心地说出他们可能羞于与同龄人分享的问题.

The mind, of course, operates as part of the body, 因此,确保365体育足彩的学生在社交和情感上健康的承诺,也是保持他们身体健康的承诺. Our lunch features daily vegan and gluten-free options, including a full salad bar; meals can also be customized to accommodate specific dietary restrictions. 各科学生均须选修体育或同等的代课课程, such as a sport or dance. Meanwhile, extracurricular athletic options abound. 在球场上和球场上,365体育足彩的菲尔德斯顿老鹰队茁壮成长,并经常脱颖而出.

健康还有一个内在的社交方面,365体育足彩也想要利用它. Through our Student-to-Student (STS) program, Fieldston Middle mentees are paired with Fieldston Upper mentors, who coach them twice a week on ethical issues. 该项目为每个人建立了一个积极的社会框架:年轻的学生有同龄人作为榜样, and older students take on the responsibility of student teachers.

In all our work, we are mindful that healthiness is contingent on self-care, self-respect, and a sense of belonging. Not only do we embrace diversity among our students and faculty, 但365体育足彩也开设课程和研讨会,让边缘化社区发出自己的声音. 为期两天的探索美容行业在满足有色人种女性需求方面的成功与失败, for example, 可能会给菲尔德斯顿高中的学生提供一个机会,来推翻白人主导的审美标准. “History of Sexualities in America,这是一个跨学科的研讨会,旨在追溯性观念的演变, gender, and sexuality from colonial times to the present, 提醒365体育足彩的学生,女性和LGBTQ人群的叙述值得研究, discussion, and celebration.

The health of our students is foremost in our minds. We work diligently to ensure a safe physical environment, to attend to social and emotional health, 并提供一个强大的运动项目和健康的餐饮选择,以及丰富的支持网络. 学生们经常练习培养自我照顾的习惯,帮助他们成为更好的学习者, friends, and partners.